For a year and a half, the seven Heldmans lived in a 4-room duplex which we owned. I had been praying earlier for God to draw us closer together, but that was not what I meant! Those were hard days but not unhappy ones. Wwe did creative bedrooming and ate our meals in a snug little area around a round table that Ken had made with the kids' photos varnished into its shiny top. Also on the shiny top were the words, "In Everything Give Thanks."
Our abode was located on a fairly busy street on the outskirts of town. It was by no means a beauty nor was the setting anything exciting. There was a little clump of trees out the front window close to the road.
Soon after moving in, I noticed beyond our trees and the trees across the road, what appeared to be a lake. How I love water and the thought that my little duplex might be a home with a lakeview gave me a measure of exhiliration!
It turned out to be the gray shingles on a long pole barn, which except for the roof was hidden in a little valley. My disappointment was temporary for I decided to enjoy it anyway. I often sat looking out the window, the wind rustling the trees, drawing enjoyment from my make believe lake.
One day as I walked by the window, I did a double take. My lake was gone! I squinted and peered and strained to see what had happened. In half real and half mock emotion, I exclaimed, "Hey! Who re-roofed my lake?"
The building's roof was now black. My lake was gone. It was really nice while it lasted.
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